Archive for April, 2014

Why an IT Roadmap? 1. Creates an opportunity to better align business and IT initiatives. The Business Plan drives the IT projects. Helps the organization migrate from limiting the focus on market share, to becoming a market maker. 2. Enhances communications with employees, partners, stakeholders, providers and customers. Confirms everyone is on the same page. 3. Crystallizes the business drivers. Why are we doing this project? How does this fit into the overall plan? Helps in capturing tangible benefits. 4. Financial-drives the operating and capital budget activities to maximize the “bang for the buck”. Establishes/expands financial control and reporting. 5. Operational-Helps identify critical success factors and provides the platform for key performance indicators. Maximizes current business processes and information flow. 6. Documents the current IT environment and sets the stage for development efforts to meet business needs. 7. Results in a crisp statement of priorities and assists in the resolution of current “pain points”. Assures razor-sharp focus on critical enterprise activities. 8. Work is performed by an experienced, objective, outside consultant. Becomes the tool for transformation from current state to future state.

April 26, 2014